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How to write and give the Rakuraku-style support book


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The "Rakuraku-style Support Book" was created with the idea of supporting children with developmental disabilities who are enrolled in regular classes or special needs classes in collaboration with the school (anyone can download it for free). ).

In this explanatory article, we have put together Kaasan's tips on how to write and hand over your request to your homeroom teacher for as much support as possible. (I was also trying my hand at it, so I hope you understand that this is not necessarily the correct answer.)

*Convey the characteristics and requests for consideration in a simpler manner, such as for children in the gray zone.An example of creating a "Support Sheet" is at the bottom of the page.

Sample entry (slides)

Tips on how to write
  1. I don't write about my complaints, hardships, or my parents' feelings.

  2. Focus on “now,” “at school,” and “especially important things.”

  3. Print only what you need (you don't have to fill in everything)

  4. Write a concrete and concise summary of the facts.

  5. View children in terms of their “behavior” and “trouble”

  6. Always include positive information

  7. Provide objective opinions (doctors, counselors, etc.)

  8. have someone look at it

  9. Rewrite and revise many times

  10. Ask the child to confirm as well.


Tips on how to deliver
  1. Consult with/attend a teacher who will be involved on an ongoing, long-term basis.

  2. Express your gratitude to your teacher and build a relationship of trust.

  3. Let me know if there are any positive changes in your child.

  4. Even if things don’t go as expected, think of specific ways you can do it or a different approach.

Tips on how to deliver
  1. Consult with/attend a teacher who will be involved on an ongoing, long-term basis.

  2. Express your gratitude to your teacher and build a relationship of trust.

  3. Let me know if there are any positive changes in your child.

  4. Even if things don’t go as expected, think of specific ways you can do it or a different approach.

楽々式 先生のサポートブック


  • 「楽々式 先生のサポートブック」は、主に通常学級の担任の先生に発達障害・グレーゾーンの子どもへの理解と対応をお願いするのと同時に、先生自身をサポートするために作成しました(どなたでも無料ダウンロードできます。PDF、はがきサイズ想定、全25ページ)。

  • 著作権は放棄しておりませんが、改変なしなら許可不要で職員室や教員研修等でもお配り頂けます(当サイト以外のWebクラウド等からの不特定多数へのダウンロード配布や出版物・論文等への引用を超えた無断転載は不可)。

  • 教員研修や各種媒体等でご紹介いただける場合は「出典:楽々かあさん公式HP 」等とご明記ください。

  • ​保護者様から、お子さんの「楽々式サポートブック」の巻末付録等として、必要な箇所だけ先生にお渡し頂くのもOKです。



Sample entry (slides)

Tips on how to write
  1. I don't write about my complaints, hardships, or my parents' feelings.

  2. Focus on “now,” “at school,” and “especially important things.”

  3. Print only what you need (you don't have to fill in everything)

  4. Write a concrete and concise summary of the facts.

  5. View children in terms of their “behavior” and “trouble”

  6. Always include positive information

  7. Provide objective opinions (doctors, counselors, etc.)

  8. have someone look at it

  9. Rewrite and revise many times

  10. Ask the child to confirm as well.


Support sheet for children with developmental disabilities in the gray zone
Support sheet

This is a simple example of how to consider children who are in the gray zone, using bullet points. It will be easier to understand the main points if you refer to them while speaking during interviews.
*This is a sample, so please do not use it as is. Please use it only as a reference when creating your own.

*Unauthorized reproduction of sample contents is prohibited.



楽々かあさんの伝わる! 声かけ変換

“Rakurakumom's Tutawaru! KOEKAKE-Henkan”

Author: Misuzu Oba(Asa Publishing)


108 parenting methods

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