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This page is a collection of useful resources for positive parenting, communication with children, therapeutic education for children with developmental disabilities, parent training, and more.
発達障害&グレーゾーン子育てから生まれた 楽々かあさんの伝わる!声かけ変換


発達障害&グレーゾーン子育てから生まれた 楽々かあさんの伝わる!声かけ変換

Author:Misuzu OBA

ASA Publishing2020


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  • Please read and agree to the terms of use here [About using this tool] before using this tool.

  • If you would like to share the KOEKAKE- Conversion table widely, please agree [here], too.

KOEKAKE- Conversion Table[2020]
This is the definitive "KOEKAKE- Conversion Table" (published in 2020) that carefully selects alternative expressions that are easy for any child to understand from the 166 examples published in my book. 
KOEKAKE- Conversion Table[2023]
The author selected 26 examples of comforting words for moms and dads who work hard every day raising their children from the book (The Table Released in 2023). 
KOEKAKE- Conversion Table[2014]
The original version released in 2014. A list of instructions, orders, and prohibitions commonly used in child-rearing situations, converted into easy-to-understand and efficient phrases for any child, including those with developmental disabilities.
KOEKAKE- Conversion Table[Additional]
This is an additional table for encouraging children to do things that have been added in response to their growth and changes in their environment. The chart includes the "encouraging version" , the "situational judgment version" , and the "graduation version".
Deko-Boko Translation Table
Weaknesses of children, others, and yourself into strengths and advantages.It's for positive parenting, enhancing self-esteem and promoting self-understanding.
My Child Correspondence Table
A summary of how to raise and interact with children with developmental disorders and the gray zone. Based on the author's own experience raising children, a list of things I could do right away and things I could do in the long term.
When you're trying too hard at Parenting
This postcard is a collection of helpful coping strategies for parents when they feel tired or overwhelmed from trying too hard to raise a child with a developmental disorder.
Reassure the Child Voice/action
This is a list postcard that helps you review common actions and phrases that reassure your child, and can also be used to deal with tantrums and panic attacks.

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